Available for Progressive and Interlaced Formats up to 1080 P60:
HDMI (using DVI adapter)
NTSC/PAL Standard Definition
The Model 443 Video Peak Store will store a new incoming pixel if it is brighter than the corresponding pixel already stored in frame memory. It stores the brightest aspects over time of scene in front of a video camera. The Peak Store capability is ideal for capturing lightning flashes occuring over seconds or days, or showing the track of a bright object as it's moved over a dark background.
The Video Peak Store can also be set to store a new incoming pixel if it is darker than the corresponding pixel already stored in frame memory. In this mode, it stores the darkest aspects over time of a scene in front of a video camera. The Dark-Peak Store capability is ideal for showing the track of a dark object as it's moved over a bright background, such as an ant on a sidewalk or a bird in the sky, allowing for path and motion analysis.