Available for Progressive and Interlaced Formats up to 1080 P60:
HDMI (using DVI adapter)
NTSC/PAL Standard Definition
2 Inputs, 1 Output
Set to see only the difference between pictures
Set to see only motion by continually showing the difference between successive frames.
Store an image for reference or continual comparison
The Model 442 Series Video Subtractor shows the differences between two images on one monitor.
Subtract or Compare mode allows you to subtract or compare two video images. The unit performs a video image comparison by subtracting the image stored in its memory from the active picture at its input or subtracting one live picture from another live picture. Comparison (subtraction) of two live video streams is also possible. This mode is very useful for inspection, registration, interferometry, quality control, surveillance and other applications where an easily viewed comparison of two video images can be used for decision making or process control.